Semi-formal town garden 1732-1768 by Thomas
Goldney, partly built over 1969 for Bristol University
residential blocks: axial yew avenue to grotto with
parallel canal; grotto with Gothic tower above on
terrace which runs at right angle to main axis, leads to
bastion and rotunda; wide views; box parterre with
herbs, formerly rose garden; West Walk with stone
wall and balustrade, herbaceous border; Olde Worlde
Garden 1980s with C18 style planting on former
vegetable garden; sunken walk and rock garden.
Statue of Hercules (LB II) 1758; pair of Corinthian Columns (LIB
II) probably from original doorway c1720, erected as
garden feature c1865 by Waterhouse; grotto (LB I)
1737-64 by Goldney, restored 1987 by Simon Verity
and Diana Reynell; Gothic tower (LB II*) 1764 to
house ‘Fire Engine’ which pumped water for grotto
cascade and canal fountains; rotunda (LB II) 1757;
- Associated Buildings
House (LB II) c.1720 probably by George Tully,
possibly incorporating House of 1694, extended and
altered 1864-65 by Alfred Waterhouse; orangery (LB II)
c.1730, re-fronted 1933, glass roof replaced with slate;
canal (LB II) c.1758-59 with Triton fountain and stone
figure of ‘The Old Quaker’ added c 1865;Clifton Wood House and stables (LB II) c 1725.