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Parks and Gardens in the North Somerset Unitary Authority.
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Categories: North SomersetChriston Conservation Area. C17 garden, small and modest: lawns separated by terrace; retaining wail and gazebo. House (LB II) possibly medieval origins, C17, mid-late C18; gazebo and terrace wall (LB II) C17. EH – House. Perhaps of mediaeval origins, C17, mid/late C18. Rubble, part rendered, slate roof, ashlar stacks. 2 storeys, 5 windows. Central 4 panel door and glazing bar sashes all of which have eared plaster surrounds (tidied remnants of removed render); similar pilaster strips at each end; low parapet with ball finials and a small scrolled pediment bearing arms. 3 gabled ranges at right angles at rear, all rendered and altered. Interior; left, first floor room has fine moulded and stopped stone fireplace with elaborate overmantel; centre panel with coat of arms, outer 2 with female allegorical figures, all dated on shields on cornice, 1672; 2 walls in this room and one in adjacent room have C17 oak panelling. Ground floor shows one massive plain chamfered beam and one slighter with stops; south wall facing terrace is in places 1.5 metres thick. Listing NGR: ST3784757272 – Grade ll
Categories: North SomersetChriston Conservation Area. C19 rectory garden, with some impressive mature trees. Original layout largely intact, with considerable recent planting.
Categories: North SomersetC19 garden on C17 site: lawns and mature trees; walled kitchen garden and walled orchard. House (LB II) C17, much altered C19. EH – Detached house. Probable C16 core with C17 additions and thorough restoration and rebuilding in 1877. Coursed rubble with ashlar dressings and stone copings, double Roman tile roof to main range, some pantiles to rear range and plain tiles to staircase tower roof. L-shaped plan with staircase tower in north-east external angle. 2 storeys with upper windows in gables. Windows are C19 two and 3-light cross-mullions to east front; some C17 cross-mullions to north and south facades of rear wing. 3-storey staircase tower (originally of 2 storeys) with similar chamfered cross-mullions and small leaded panes. Off-set corner buttresses to main block and tower. Gabled porch to east front with Perpendicular style entrance arch. Further doorway in rear range with shell hood on carved brackets. Stone stacks, some developing from gabled extrusions. Weathervane to tower roof apex. Interior. Kitchen in rear range has chamfered beams and raised and fielded panelling. Newel stair with oak treads in tower. Remainder late C19 with fine staircase with cusped cast iron balusters and stained glass to stair west window. (N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England : North Somerset and Bristol, 1958). Listing NGR: ST4368560194 – Grade ll
Categories: North SomersetLate C19 municipal park, with rose garden, circular pond and iron fountain, bowling greens and flower gardens; shelter belt including holm oaks. Park donated to town 1882 in memory of Henry Davies,Weston’s greatest building speculator. Pavilion, shelters, one surviving greenhouse.
Categories: North SomersetC17 site with later planting: features include circular stone summerhouse; orchard; kitchen gardens; hazel walk and several mature false acacias; C19 rockery. House (LB II) C15 origin, altered and extended mid C17, late C18, early-mid C19 and C20; notable Victorian water pump and basin (LB II). Listing NGR: ST4445667194 – Grade ll
Categories: North SomersetC18 site, with later additions. C19 planting includes specimen trees and holly hedge; 1740s ha-ha and walled kitchen garden; C20 formal garden outside ha-ha. House (LB II) 1744 with C19 additions; late C19 wooden summerhouse; Victorian greenhouse. Listing NGR: ST4434566186 – Grade ll
Categories: North SomersetEarly C19 garden with ornamental woodlands. Notable for picturesque use made of Goblin Coombe, where woods were planted with large number of exotic conifers and mixed shrubs. Orchard and c13a. of parkland survive. House (LB II) early C19 for Reverend T.S. Biddulph; walled kitchen garden. Nursing home. Eh Listing NGR: ST4607865691 – Grade ll
Categories: North SomersetC18 terraced gardens of c7a. with C18-19 planting; C19 ornamental woodlands c270a. Terraces feature bowling green, octagon summerhouse 1720, early C19 Gothic loggia. Lawn with flowering shrubs and borders;ancient mulberry. Woods contain extensive ornamental walks, including stone passageway and picturesque quarry garden. House (LB I) C14 with later additions; terraced garden (LB II). Garden owned by National Trust; woodland by Lady Elton, currently on 30-year lease to Avon Wildlife Trust. EH – TICKENHAM ROAD 1. 5121 (North Side) Clevedon Court ST 47 SW 3/1 5.4.52. GV 2. Built by Sir John de Clevedon who died in 1336. Clevedon Court has been described as one of the most valuable relics of early domestic architecture in England. Alterations and additions include a new west wing by John Wake about 1570. Further alterations after 1717. The west front rebuilt 176l-88 and again 1862. Rebuilding after a fire in 1882 was achieved by the architect, C E Davis. The centre of the present south front belongs to the original house. 2 storey buttressed porch with plain parapet to right. Pointed moulded archway with portcullis. 2 storey projecting chapel range with original ogee reticulated tracery to left. The medieval hall with part of the original screens passage arrangement (entrances to kitchen, buttery etc) survives behind the 2 projecting blocks. The great hall window between these blocks is now in Tudor style but evidence of an earlier pointed arch with tracery exists above. The rest of the south front has gabled ranges in Elizabethan style with stone mullioned and transomed windows. Top storey windows in gables have pediments containing carved heads, finials above. Gable end on far right (ie to east) of front is in plain vernacular style with large chimney breast and paired diagonal stacks. Finials to sided of gable. To rear of east range is attached a further tall gabled wing. Various gabled ranges including kitchens and a 2-storey porch attached to rear elevation. Excellent interior of the main building periods. Clevedon Court and all listed ancillary buildings at Clevedon Court (including the boundary walls) form a group. Listing NGR: ST4225571572 – Grade l
Categories: North Somerset1930s gardens with vestiges of earlier layout. Balustraded terrace, lawn, pond and yew hedge, from C20. Walled kitchen garden complex with pleached walk, mature specimen trees and woodland from C19. House (LB II) 1930-32 by Sir George Oatley; greenhouse C19. Further Education Staff College. Listing NGR: ST4956059484 – Grade ll
Categories: North SomersetC16 site landscaped late C18, planted with specimen trees C19. Long ornamental approach; mature specimen trees; parkland; ha-ha; elaborate C19 garden fountain and stone corbeille. House (LB II) C16 with later alterations. Listing NGR: ST4939373680 – Grade ll